NEuchâtel MObile - NEMO Free WiFi separation

Public WIFI networks


Article 1 – General  :

This document is to define the conditions of use relating to the free of charge WIFI access service offered by
The WIFI internet access service allows all users to access the wireless internet network using compatible equipment with standard WIFI.
This service is accessible from all electronic equipment equipped with a network wireless LAN card conforming to the norm IEEE 802.11b/g and certified.
Article 2 – Acceptance and liability of the user :

Specific obligations relating to the Internet :

Regarding the use of the Internet, the user is informed that the Internet is a network carrying data that may be protected by intellectual, literary, artistic, photographic copyright or infringes legal clauses in force. The user is thus not permitted to share on the Internet any data that is prohibited, illicit, illegal, immoral or contrary to public order and that infringes or may infringe third party rights, in particular, intellectual, literary, artistic or photographic copyright.

The user is not permitted any fraudulent, abusive or excessive use of the service such as, in particular, the overloading deliberately or non-deliberately of messaging services and/or mail addressees with uncontrolled mailshots (spamming, bunk email, junk email or bombing) or of the network, or the sending of attention grabbing messages which as a result generate a considerable number of responses (teasing or trolling) and thereby can disrupt the availability of the service.

Regarding products or services on the Internet network, the user contacts the content providers directly with all claims relative to the execution of services provided by the latter. Furthermore, FREEWIFI.newarns the user about the nature of content available on the network, some of which can be offensive to minors. As far as possible, implements a selective filtering of internet sites in order to prevent access to content deemed tendentious which could be unsuitable for young people.
User liability

The user alone is liable for direct or indirect, material or non-material harm caused to a third party by the fact of his personal use of the available service.

Article 3 – Security  :

Communication made via the WIFI service of is not encrypted.
Where a higher level of security is desired, the user may himself install security software on his PC, such as firewalls or VPNs. (Virtual Private Networks).

Total protection against intrusion or unauthorised tapping cannot be guaranteed. declines all liability with regard to such events.

It is expressly stated that the Internet is not a secure network. Under such conditions, it is the responsibility of the user to take all appropriate measures to protect his data and/or software, in particular against infection by potential viruses circulating on the internet network or the hacking of a third party into the system of his terminal for whatever reason, and to install these computer safeguards onto his portable computer before and after using the WIFI service of

The user acknowledges that he is fully informed of the lack of reliability of the Internet network, especially in terms of absence of security relative to the transmission of data and the non-guarantee of performance relative to the volume and flow of transmission.

The user acknowledges that he has been informed that the integrity, authentication and confidentiality of information, documents and data of all types (credit card numbers. etc..) that he wishes to exchange on the internet cannot be guaranteed on this network.  The user must therefore not transmit via the Internet any message that he wants to remain confidential with an unquestionable guarantee.

Article 4 – Commitment and responsibilities of : will do all in its power to ensure free of charge access to the WIFI service. is not responsible for the content accessible by the Internet network and damages which result from its use unless these damages have been caused intentionally by itself.

Aware of the privacy which private communication should benefit, exercises no control over the content or character of data received or transmitted by the WIFI service user and/or the Internet.

Nevertheless, to ensure the good management of access to the Internet network, reserves the right to delete any message or prevent all operation by the user which may potentially upset the good functioning of its service or of the Internet network or non respect of the rules of operation, legal, ethical or deontological.

Exception can be made to this rule of confidentiality within the boundaries authorised by law, at the request of the public and/or judicial authorities.

FREEWIFI.nes liability cannot be applicable:

- in instances of incompatibility or dysfunction of the messaging system or with applications put in place and/or used by a third party.   The possibility of sending mails using messaging software for the WIFI network depends on the provider’s messaging service chosen by the user; some service providers do not permit the sending of mail from another network other than their own.  It is the user’s responsibility to refer to relevant information regarding the configuration of his messaging software by his internet access service provider; declines all responsibility accordingly.
- In instances of ill use of the service by the user
- In instances of incorrect installation and/or incorrect configuration and/or dysfunction of the portable computer or of the PDA of the user and/or the Wireless LAN network card (IEEE 802. 11b/g),
- in instances of non-respect by the user of his obligations,
- in the instances of impossibility of access to the Internet to the virtual private network of a company (VPN)
- in instances of disruption or interruption of the network or WIFI access by,
- in instances of disruption and/or total or partial unavailability, and/or interruption of all or part of the services offered on the networks, used by third party operators. is offering WIFI access free of charge and cannot in any instance be held responsible if this service is disrupted or even inaccessible.

Article 5 – Suspension / End of service : reserves the right to suspend or withdraw access to the service without the user being able to ask for any indemnity, in cases of violation of one of the clauses in these conditions of use of the WIFI service de and especially in the case of :
- being informed by internet users that the user was not respecting the code of Internet good conduct or was using the internet in such a manner to prejudice a third party, which would be contrary to good morals or public order.
- being notified by those holding copyright that the user was reproducing and/or sharing data that was protected by copyright.
- stating that act of piracy or tentative illicit usage of information was circulating on the network resulting or originating from the user’s account. reserves the right to suspend or terminate any account that has not been used for more than 6 months.

Article 6 – Non-personal data and registered information:

FREEWIFI records mobile phone numbers without associating other personal data (name, first name, address). These numbers are necessary for sending SMS messages to obtain the network authentication code and they are not passed on to third parties. Other technical elements may be transmitted to the authorities, only within the framework of the federal law on the supervision of correspondence by post and telecommunications LSCPT

Article 7 - Force majeure : will not be liable for the partial non-implementation of its obligations if the afore non-implementation or partial implementation is due to a fact that is independent of its desire or out with its control, as well as in a situation of force majeure.